Vigo by bus app shows real time timetables for Vigo city bus. It can filter stops by name, ID or distance. It also provides a map to check where stops are located.
• Filter stops by ID number or name (address).
• Favourite stops.
• Geolocated stop map, so you can easily find the stop you're looking for.
• Real time bus times for each stop.
• NEW: Fixed schedules for each stop, route and type of day.
• Each stop has a map option, so you can get to know its location or get directions there using Google Maps.
• Filter nearby stops.
• Location: So the app can show your location on the map
• External storage: To store your favourite stops.
• Network and internet: Needed for downloading maps and real time timetables.
• Accounts and Google Play Services: Required by the maps and for location services.
DISCLAIMER: This app has been developed by and independent developer and it is not an official Vitrasa app.